Sunday, January 11, 2009

The dining room ceiling is taken down

Saturday we took down the dining room ceiling and installed insulation and one sheet of drywall, more to follow on Monday. This is one of the last plaster ceilings that needed to be taken down. The only ceilings left now are the entryway and the ceiling above the main staircase.

Who would have thought that one ceiling would produce nearly 2 cubic yards of debris? I put my weight to good use, jumping up and down in the dumpster to compact the demo trash.

We were blessed to have a crew of friends to help with the takedown. Takedown and cleanup took approximately an hour and a half, which would have taken me all day to do by myself.

(Left to Right: Daniel, Chris, Michael, James)

(Chris and Russ)

(Chris, Russ, Chris)

And as for me, well I got a little dirty from the takedown.


Celeste said...

is that what you will look like in 10 years? just kidding :)

Am-I-Nuts said...

Probably. I bet you hope you look so good when you,re my age.

Janelle said...

okay now ya'll can come to my house and take all the plaster down I hate plaster walls! And that would also allow us to I don't know insulation in the walls that would be great, but really I love seeing all of the fun stuff you guys are doing with the house someday I hope to do the same with mine so you'll have to keep your blog around for a good guide for me!

rubberbucketsaysso said...

Plaster is yet another thing we have to deal with here that I one day hope to un-deal with for one thing, putting up pictures on a plaster wall is quite a feat, can't just tack in a little nail, I just have to use bigger nails or try to find an old hole!

Anonymous said...

cool friends!! I can't wait to see where it goes from here now!

cjmom said...

Ooh plaster is so fun, but it is quieter, I think

Am-I-Nuts said...

We love the plaster, but necessity required us to remove it. However, we may be able to save the plaster in the dining room. For a better understanding, go to Chris' blog.

jeri said...

Just living down the street from you, I have wathced the progress from the beautiful home being empty-people coming and going-and am happy to say I am pleased it has fallen into the hands of people who care for her. Living here most of my life, knowing of the houses history,(servants) there were the typical stories of "they kept them in chains inthe basement", "the house is haunted" The pictures you offer really don't don the house justice. She is BEAUTIFUL! Keep up the good work.

Tanya said...

Wow! Major undertaking!

That funny looking fellow in the last picture looks like he came out of a Mary Poppins Movie!!!