Saturday, March 1, 2008

This doorknocker looks like a minute-man from the Revolutionary War.

Where oh where will I find a locksmith to duplicate these?

Our future kitchen. It sure looks good on paper. Oh, it is paper!! (Chris made this model of the kitchen with appliances and cabinets).

I'm running out of pictures. We plan on returning to Trenton this month to continue working on the house. Should have some more progress pictures then.


cjmom said...

What colors are you going to use in the kitchen? How exciting that you can find out about the people that lived there. I wonder where a picture of Byrd would be? I bet Chrissy could find more about her from Family history stuff. Just a thought, in case you all aren't busy enough!

Anonymous said...

so much more clean than the real version! is it me or does the end of that counter look like it comes to a that what the real counter is going to do? That sounds rude but I've just never seen one like it before.

Am-I-Nuts said...

I think we may have a picture of Byrd, we just haven't been able to identify her. We have a photo album with several family pictures.
As for the color of the kitchen, we haven't decided. The counter has been moved from the original model, however who knows, we may keep it just to make a point (pun intended).

Bloo Ruin said...

thats hilarious. way to be visual. I would probably do it using computer software...but Laura would love the paper idea better. way cool