Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Now for the work



Celeste said...

Nice blog!

cjmom said...

How absolutely gorgeous, and at the same time, good luck! Are you a brick layer person? Cathy

rubberbucketsaysso said...

This is a really beautiful house! I love it, can I have it when you're done with it? K, we wouldn't be able to buy it and I'm thinking Nate probably wouldn't want to live down south, but STILL.

Janelle said...

OH I am so incrediably jealous of the house not the work that is going to go with it, you are going to have to post lots of pictures of the remodling process. I thought my house was old and had problems and it was only built in 1920. Good luck!

Faminy o Chaos said...

I would love to be working on an older home like that. I hope some day I will be able to take time and take upon me similiar projects.

Am-I-Nuts said...

Okay, no I'm not a brick layer person, unless you count putting bricks on the ground. However, the bid for some of the brick work is reasonable. I will probably learn how to do point-tuck though. As for the work, anyone is welcome to come and visit. Just bring a hammer, gloves, or someother tools with you. You might want to bring a sleeping bag too.

Hot MMMama said...

LOL. Bring a sleeping bag!!

I love doing work like that... I wish I was closer to MO... keep posting, this is fun!