Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our presentation

Chris and I were invited to speak to the community of Trenton on June 30. We spoke at the Grundy County Jewett Norris Library. The architect of the library is the same person who designed our house.
You can see our presentation by going to:
or: (this one contains thumbnails so you can select the segments you want).

It is an hour and ten minutes long so you may want to skip through parts of it.

I would like to thank the community of Trenton for their support and kindness. We have truely enjoyed living here. I also would like to thank Robert, Laura Sue and others who helped with our presentation.


Anonymous said...

Richard and Chris,

You have really come a long way on the house. It really looks good. The brick works suggests that Rich was a Mason is a previous life. I hope the rest of thefamily is doing well.

Tom M

cjmom said...

That was really interesting! I had to wait till I had a full hour to watch it. I thought you both did an excellent job.